Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Torrid Teaser's turn

It must be the season for reviews, because Fallen Angel Reviews has jumped on the bandwagon with a nice one for To The Rescue andCrossed Wires, the two stories in my 'Torrid Teaser' from Whiskey Creek Press - Torrid.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you! It's a lovely review and I'm particularly pleased that the reviewer, Wendi, liked my writing style so much. "Touching love scenes popped out page after page to entertain and delight..."

You can read the full review here, and you can find out more about the stories on my website.

Friday, June 01, 2007

And another review...

Suddenly I'm awash with reviews. This one is from Joyfully Reviewed, for Centaurfold, a collection of three sexy centaur stories by yours truly, Emily Veinglory and Kay Derwydd.

I get the impression that the reviewer was slightly baffled by the concept of centaur erotica (perhaps not surprisingly LOL) but the review, although short, is sweet.

You can read it at Joyfully Reviewed.